And Now for Something Different
One happy dog having a last hurrah at Fort Funston, California before his long plane ride across the Atlantic.
Whether you are new to this site or have been reading this blog regularly, you may have noticed that there has been a long gap since my January 2022 post on peace. This is because I have been in transition, moving from the San Francisco Bay Area to Frankfurt, Germany. Right as I was about to leave California, I was interviewed by Valeria Teles, who produces a podcast called, “Fit for Joy.” Valeria is deeply interested in promoting well-being—of mind, of body, and of spirit. She interviews several people each month, providing a rich tapestry of messages, each aimed at helping listeners to connect with one another, remember what really matters, and thrive.
The title of the episode featuring the interview with me is, “The Experience of Peace & Enduring Well-Being.” Click on the link below to listen to the episode:
I will be writing regular posts again soon. All the best in the meantime!