Miracle Voices Episode: Fürgiveness

Photo by Matthias Schmalisch.

Today is the one year anniversary of an interview I did with Matthew McCabe and Tam Morgan, the co-hosts of my favorite podcast, “Miracle Voices.” In my posts, “Forgiveness, My Dog, and Me: Part 1” (published November 21st, 2021) and “Forgiveness, My Dog, and Me: Part 2” (published December 12th, 2021), I wrote about forgiveness opportunities I encountered while out with my beloved Golden Retriever, Wall-E. In the Miracle Voices interview, published December 22nd, 2022, I spoke with Matt and Tam about my forgiveness journey with Wall-E himself, my great “small ‘t’” teacher. The episode can be found on Apple Podcasts by copying and pasting the following link into your browser: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-68-f%C3%BCrgiveness-cristina-schmalisch/id1546281292?i=1000591028009.

To learn more about Miracle Voices, go to MiracleVoices.org.


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