Practicing Everyday Transcendence
In this post I invite you to join me in practicing transcending the limits of our physical bodies, by turning our focus to our interconnectedness, which reaches beyond the world of time and space.
Mantras in Everyday Life
Whenever our peace leaves us, we can use a mantra to help us remember our power to choose how we view anything that we experience. Mantras can also remind us of our union with others, part of the path of awakening to ultimate reality. In addition to the teachings of A Course in MIracles, this post references central tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Living Happily Ever After
In fairy tales, especially ones in which two people meet and fall in love, the protagonists go on to ‘live happily ever after.’ In this post, I share the shift in mind-set taught in A Course in Miracles that paves the way to peace, love, and joy ‘ever after’ in our relationships.
Love is the Way I Walk in Gratitude (Workbook Lesson 195)
Today is Thanksgiving in the United States, inspiring this post on gratitude as it is taught in A Course in Miracles.
God is but Love, and Therefore So Am I (Workbook Lessons 171-180)
We are all intimately familiar with conditional love. A Course in Miracles teaches that God’s love for us is total, no matter what we may think of ourselves or our actions.
Finding Refuge in a Time of Turmoil
Recent events in American news have highlighted social injustice. This complex problem is difficult to solve from within the framework of the world. In this post, I talk about seeking refuge in our true reality, which is Love. By looking through Love’s eyes, what we see takes on a different meaning, one that allows peace to return.
On Needing a Lover who Won’t Drive you Crazy
Relationships bring enormous meaning to life and can also be the source of much suffering. This post introduces the two possible perspectives on relationships taught in A Course in Miracles. Understanding these perspectives clarifies the choice that can be made between them, with one choice sustaining suffering and the other bringing personal peace.
Living in an Illusory World
This post is an introduction to the metaphysics of A Course in Miracles, and the teaching, shared with Buddhist and Hindu traditions, that the world is an illusion. The Course goes further ‘behind the scenes’ to explain how the illusory world came about and our role as one mind in this.
All Minds are Joined
Beyond the perception of separate people and separate interests is a vast unity that connects us all.