Have a Good Day
In this post, I describe a mindfulness practice to be carried out throughout the day to help us to have a good day. Drawn from the section, “Rules for Decision” of A Course in Miracles (T-30.I), this practice helps us to cultivate a relationship with “something greater,” namely our inner (or outer) Guide, however we conceive of it. By regularly joining with our Guide, we can change our experience from having a lousy day to having a good one.
Letting Go of Grievances
This post is about experiencing personal peace by letting go of grievances, through non-judgment and through recognizing how the thoughts in our minds color our perceptions.
Judging You, Judging Me is not the Best We can Do
Judgment of others and oneself is so automatic that we might conclude that it is our natural inheritance. On the contrary, judgment is a habit that perpetuates itself, making the experience of peace ever more elusive. In this post, I share some ideas about the transformative practice of non-judgment.